For anyone who is interested in applying to business school and/or learning things about me that might not be possible through casual friendly conversation, you can find in the links below the final and uncut versions of my business school essays which I submitted this past January 2012.
I am posting these essays publicly like this so that they can (hopefully) serve as a helpful resource for anyone else who is considering applying to business school, but also because one of my core principles in life is to be honest and transparent in everything I do, and I believe these essays are an honest and sincere portrayal of myself so I figure there's no shame in sharing them with others.
As you can see, I applied to 5 schools total in Round 2 for the Fall 2012 incoming class. Those 5 schools and their deadlines were - UPenn Wharton (Jan 4th), Harvard Business School (Jan 10th), MIT Sloan (Jan 10th), Stanford GSB (Jan 11th), and Berkeley Haas (Jan 18th).
It's a tough, tough lineup of schools I applied to, and to be totally honest there is a very real chance that I will not get into any of them.
However, my reasoning was that business school can be absurdly expensive i.e. upwards of $150,000 for some places, so I figured if I'm (potentially) going to have to take on that much debt, I want to know I'm getting maximum return on my investment.
However, my reasoning was that business school can be absurdly expensive i.e. upwards of $150,000 for some places, so I figured if I'm (potentially) going to have to take on that much debt, I want to know I'm getting maximum return on my investment.
And for anyone who doesn't know, even though I'm currently working in a retail bank in Korea, my real dream going forward is to start my own consumer internet start-up whose mission is to make learning a second language easier and more convenient than ever before. That's why 4 out of the 5 schools I applied to are in California (Stanford & Berkeley) or Boston (Harvard & MIT), because those are the two most vibrant entrepreneurial communities in the US as well as the entire world.
The 5 schools I applied to will be posting their acceptance/rejection decisions beginning in late March and until early April, so wish me luck and let's see what life has in store for me :)
P.S. Special thanks to all of my friends who provided feedback on my essays. They were a bit on the rushed side to be honest and I would've liked some more time to polish them, but you guys helped me make the most of the limited time I had, so thank you again~