Hello everyone.
This is my first entry in this blog which I have titled "A Day in the Mind of a Wannabe Entrepreneur."
I guess I could start out by explaining why I created this blog and what I hope to achieve with it.
This blog will basically serve as a documentary of sorts, chronicling my day-to-day journey and thought process as I go from being a nobody with a dream, to hopefully a somebody who managed to help save the world in a global and scalable way.*
It's a super-exciting time in history that we're living in right now. We as a generation are so extremely blessed to be alive in the same time period as people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (co-founders of Google), Mark Zuckerberg, etc. who have radically transformed the way the world works and the way we interact with this newly transformed world.
As for myself, through a serendipitous combination of A) Repeatedly seeing these iconic figures working their magic and changing the world and B) Being put on a project at work (since mid-2010) that deals extensively with innovation and trying to come up with creative new solutions to age-old problems, I too have been inspired by this wave of creative energy that we are living in, and I've humbly decided that I would like to give it a go as well, by (sometime soon) starting my own company with a new business idea which will change the world for the better.
However, I don't realistically expect anyone who is an already an entrepreneur to take any interest in this blog. The stuff I will be talking about will be stuff that they already experienced a long time ago and have little need to relive now.
Rather, my intended target audience is all those people out there who (like myself) have always had an entrepreneurial fire burning within them, but who for whatever reason have never really gotten the chance to explore it more fully.
And while I will be writing in great depth about my personal journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, this blog isn't actually about me at all. Regardless of whether I ultimately end up succeeding or not, I want this blog to serve as a vehicle to inspire others. The people I want reading my blog are those who know nothing about entrepreneurship and innovation but have always had a deep yearning to make a real impact on the world in an unconventional way. I want them to see what I'm going through and realize that it's something that they are fully capable of doing as well. And if you yourself are not that interested in becoming an entrepreneur but you know someone who is (or could be), I would love if you shared this blog with them.
Last but not least, this blog will be talking a lot about entrepreneurship but at the end of the day I want it to be interesting and accessible for anyone who comes across it. I like to think that I am a pretty good writer with a pretty good sense of humor**, and so whether or not you are an aspiring entrepreneur, I hope that you can read my future blog entries and then get on with your day with the feeling that it (i.e. your day) has been livened and improved (even a tiny bit) as a result.
Thanks for reading and I hope you can join me on this scary but exciting journey I'm about to go on :)
*If you're an American and you're reading this, I'll assume you've seen the critically acclaimed blockbuster superhero film "The Dark Knight." It's an awesome movie about Batman and his battle to save Gotham City from the nefarious Joker. However, what some people might not know is that "The Dark Knight" is actually the second part of a trilogy, and it was preceded by the relatively less popular (but criminally underrated) movie "Batman Begins," which focuses less on [Batman the Superhero] and more on [Bruce Wayne the Human Being] and his long and difficult journey to eventually become the Batman that we see in "The Dark Knight."
And that's what this blog is. This blog is my own personal "Batman Begins." Maybe one day I will be like Batman as he is in "The Dark Knight" - A grizzled veteran who's been at it for a while and has seen it all. And I'm sure I will become that, in due time. But right now, I am more like Bruce Wayne from "Batman Begins" - A young man with some personal demons who knows he wants to make Gotham City a better place, but just isn't sure what's the best way to do so and how exactly he will go about doing that.
**Those who know me will know very well of my previous blogging endeavors on Xanga, an ancient blogging service which is basically on life support nowadays and has become Terri Schiavo-esque in its slow, painful descent into non-existence. Until now, I've used my writing skills and irreverent sense of humor to write (what I hope were) funny and entertaining posts about whatever crazy things were going through my sick, twisted mind at the time. But as I graduated college and started working full-time, it's become increasingly difficult to find the time to write write humorous long-form blog posts on a regular basis while still maintaining the high standard of comedic quality I want. Thus, while my Xanga will continue to exist and will still be there for me to write in when needed, this new blog is a way for me to still be my normal irreverent and facetiously funny self while talking about a subject that I am very passionate about and which hopefully can inspire passion in others as well.